23. Hike the Grouse Grind

This likely doesn't mean anything to anyone who hasn't spent some time in Vancouver, so let me explain. The Grouse Grind is a "hike" in North Vancouver on Grouse Mountain. It is basically just a hike straight up the side of the mountain with lots of stairs and not a lot of scenery. Overall, it's more of a workout than a hike and most people treat it that way, or they are tourists who read it on a 'top 10 things to do in Vancouver' list and regretted following the advice of the list shortly after starting.
I am an avid hiker and love hiking for nature and the solitude but the Grouse Grind does not offer either of those. This grind holds multiple competitions throughout the year to see who can do it the fastest and who can do it the most times. They even have a system for regular grinders to scan a pass at the bottom and the top of the hike to record their times. It's very competitive.
Basically, I always complained about the Grouse Grind because I don't consider it to be a real hike. It's too hard and boring, too competitive, not serene, and the people are usually well... the kind of people I don't really appreciate, to say it the nicest way possible. I have complained about this 'hike' for years and eventually, I thought...well, I really don't have the right to complain about it if I have never done it...so instead of quitting my complaining, I decided to hike it! I grabbed my friend Kreig, and we made the climb, and guess what, it wasn't half bad! I still wouldn't ever consider this a beautiful hike but I might just do it again for a bit of exercise, especially in the shoulder season where there are less topless jocks running around with their chests puffed out.
I am glad I finally can say that I survived the Grouse Grind and that I have a right to complain about it now! Though... I am afraid my complaining might not be as strong anymore.
Me at the top  of the Grouse Grind (this is not our time, just a random number on the board)
