This Should Have Been on My List....

So this summer while Chris and I were bumming around Europe I got a text from my friend Catherine randomly asking if I wanted to go to Harry Potter World in Orlando with her the next month. I was hesitant at first because I had a very busy summer and I was going to be spending most of my money and really needed to start looking for a job....but without much work she convinced me and I said yes and I will never regret that ever! I LOVE Harry Potter and Catherine loves Harry Potter even more than me, she does something Harry Potter themed every year, and last summer she came to the UK and we went to the Harry Potter Studio Tour in London together which was also amazing. Needless to say, we were a good match to go to a world of Harry Potter together.
Listen folks, Harry Potter world is seriously magical! Would recommend 10/10. It's such an amazing feeling walking though a mundane brick wall and suddenly being transported into Diagon Alley. My breath was taken away and I felt so much joy, I FINALLY got to be a real witch! I don't want to go on gushing too much about all of the little details and the rides but being able to drink a butterbeer in the Three Broomsticks, wander through Olivander's wand shop, get spooked in Knockturn Alley, and ride the Hogwarts Express was just the most magical, fulfilling thing that any Harry Potter nerd could do. It poured down rain every afternoon and it only made me laugh because even though it was still warm, at least it was a bit more realistic for the English decor. As soon as I said yes I thought, this is something I have been wanting to do since it was ever even a concept! So, this is a little special mention of sorts that has been a bucket list item in my heart for many years, but unfortunately didn't get written down.
Drinking Butterbeer in Diagon Alley

Feeling like a real witch next to Hogwarts Castle

Catherine and I in Diagon Alley (Gringots Bank in the back)
