15. Read an average of one book a month for a year

Okay, so to start out, my computer died, and it had the list of all the books I had been reading on it, and that's gone now, I was 1 book away from finishing so hopefully I can recreate that list here, though without the dates that I finished them on.
I suppose this whole blog is a learning experience, and I have to say a lot of the things I listed were kind of smug. This one for example... I love to read and I thought I would smash this one out of the park then double the number and reattempt it the next year. Well, both predictions were wrong. First, I just barely scraped by with 12 books in a year, fair enough some of this year was taken up with university, where I had little time for leisure reading, but it still surprised me at the lack of reading time I made for myself. Second, I decided not to double this number to 24 because I realized that sometimes I was trying to read an unenjoyable book just to put it on this list, and reading isn't some kind of competition for me, it's just something I love to do. I think I will continue to keep track of the books I have read on the Goodreads app, but I want to read for myself, not to fit a number.
Here's what I read over the last year (to the best of my recollection)

  • (1,2,3) The last three of the Tomorrow When the War Began by John Marsden. This is a YA series about a group of teenagers in Australia who go camping when their country gets invaded, they have to become guerilla fighters to survive. It's very entertaining and you will be sucked in immediately if you choose to pick them up. There are 7 books in the series total. 5/5 for any age group.
  • (4) Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman. Most people will have seen this movie about a family of women both cursed and blessed with magic. I felt there was a little too much family drama and not enough magic. 3/5.
  • (5) Wild by Cheryl Strayed. This book was amazing. Usually, I don't read books I have seen the movie of already, but I would recommend this to anyone. If you love nature, if you have ever felt lost in your life, if you have ever felt burdened by your relationship with a family member and are unsure how to be released, read this book, I felt liberated and ready to face my demons afterward, I will likely read it again. 5/5.
  • (6,7) Books 6 and 7 of Harry Potter. Okay so I love these books and I've read them too many times to count. I just wanted a refresher. 5/5, always.
  • (8) Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs. There was a lot of hubbub over this book and I wanted to check it out. It was very magical, good for a quick read. 4/5 for adults, 5/5 for youth. 
  • (9) Church of Marvels by Leslie Parry. I loved this book! I love books that follow the story of multiple different people and then reveal how they all intertwine at the end. It was magical, thought-provoking, mysterious, and tragic all at once. I entered a different world every time I opened it. 5/5.
  • (10) Born to Run by Christopher McDougall. This book is a non-fiction about running and learning the secrets behind why and how we run. It's also a great tale of adventure as the author seeks the elusive tribe of runners in the middle of nowhere Mexico. 5/5 for runners, 4/5 for non-runners.
  • (11,12) The first two books of the Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss. These are fantastic! I have been describing them to people as grown-up Harry Potter. Full of magic, adventure, and turmoil. Beware that each book is at least 1000 pages long and that the third and final book has yet to be released and the author has no plan on releasing it any sooner than he feels like it (the first book was released in 2007, the second in 2011, and now its 2019 and we are still waiting for the third). 5/5.
I think I missed one and added one I read outside of the time frame but that's okay. Bonus: one book I couldn't finish was Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister by Gregory Maguire. Written by the same author as Wicked (which I loved) but this one was just rather slow and boring. I bought it from the thrift store so I still have it and will likely finish it when I am traveling and do not have access to a library.  
As a final note, everyone support your local library! Happy reading. 
